Minggu, 19 April 2009

visit madura 2015

Madura is an Island in east java that still have natural scene. do you know that madura island have many potential humanbeings? maybe people in this nation think that maduranese people have no potential skill (maduranese are jobless or being a pedicap drivers, or robber) but I do not think so, because if you know about maduranese, maybe you will change your image about maduranese. do you know head of constitutional court of justice in indonesia? yups, that's right brother/sister Mahfud M.D. is one of madura's intelectual. and you can search or googling the others madura's intelectual. today, everyone in indonesia espesially or maybe in the world, knowing that indonesian have suramadu bridge, hohoww, we know that suramadu more then 4 kilometers for the long, and spend much money. I have ever hear that suramadu is spend money more then $400 millions. Suramadu bridge connect madura and java island, espesially bangkalan and surabaya city, so if you want to pass the sea you do not need the ship, hehe... and you can pass the suramadu bridge easily and just few minutes, very different if you pass the sea by a ship, that take about 30-40 minutes from madura to java or java to madura island. for investors I advice you to invest your money in madura right now, because you will be lost chance to have assets in madura... let's visit madura!!!

2 komentar:

  1. assalamualaikum wr. wb
    thanks before liking the island of madura.

  2. Rohma Windianingarum25 Juli 2016 pukul 04.12

    Great article..


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